In June of 2009, Stony Brook celebrated the official groundbreaking of the new Campus Recreation Center, but actual construction on the center began six months later, in January of 2010. Shortly after, obstacles arose which put construction on hold.
Vegetation was discovered in the soil in the area that had been targeted for the center’s foundation. To address this issue, a large portion of the soil had to be replaced. Despite this early setback, Susan DiMonda, associate dean and director of student life at Stony Brook, says that the project “is back on track, and is projected to be ready in the fall of 2012.”
The new recreation center, an 85,000 square foot, state of the art facility, will house three full-size basketball courts and a multi- purpose court for roller hockey and indoor soccer. The center was designed to meet the recreational and athletic needs of students, whether they be at the club intra-mural or truly recreational level. “This facility will allow for more competitive club sports programs, as well as offer more opportunities for our students to get involved in recreational sports,” DiMonda said.
Club and recreational sports have been unaffected by the delay in construction on the new Campus Recreation Center, in large part due to the delay in renovations on Stony Brook Arena. Dimonda said she felt recreational sports “were lucky that the Sports Complex renovations were pushed back, because otherwise all of our club and intramural sports teams would have to share the Pritchard gymnasium with our varsity teams on campus.”