Stony Brook University juniorBryan Galgano is currently running for New York state senate.’ If he wins the Nov. 5 election, this19-year-old will be the youngest senator the state has ever had.
Galgano, who lives with hisparents and sister in Sayville, is running to represent the third senatorialdistrict, which includes Islip, Brookhaven and roughly half of Sayville.
He first became involved with theDemocratic Party two years ago when he started volunteering on campaigns.’ He has since served as AssemblymanSteve Levy’s community liaison and a democratic committee member.
As a committee member, he had totry to get registered democrats to sign election nomination petitions.’ He also had to attend Islip DemocraticParty meetings.
It was at a July Party meetingthat Galgano learned republican incumbent Caesar (sp.) Trunzo was runningunopposed and decided to make a bid for state senate.
“I hate when people run unopposed,” Galgano said. “It aggravates me.” George Washington ranunopposed, and he was probably the last person who was that good.
Galgano said he wants to take this election to the streetsand have the voices of his constituents heard in congress.’ He also said he wants to bring issuessuch as education and affordable housing to the forefront of politics in Albanyand in Suffolk County.
He said he thinks his opponent, who has been a statesenator for 30 years, doesn’t take the risks necessary to get thingsdone.
‘?I’ve never seen him [Trunzo] stand up foranything or fight for anything,’ Galgano said.
Receiving $2,000 from the Party, about $5,000 from afund-raiser held at his house this summer and $1,000 from his grandmother,Galgano has raised about $8,000 in campaign funds.‘ Though this is a considerably smaller budget thanTrunzo’s, Galgano said he thinks it’s anybody’s race.
Galgano said he thinks that once senators are elected thepolitical conflict is not between Democrats and Republicans but between thoserepresenting upstate areas and those representing downstate areas.’ He said he feels upstate interests havebeen winning for too long.
Long Island has the highest property tax, no long termenergy plan, the highest utility rates, the third highest auto insurance ratesand no prescription drug plan, Galgano said.‘ He said he thinks there’s no real leadership for LongIsland in Albany.
‘?I want to make Long Island a place where collegestudents can stay after they graduate and senior citizens can remain to form asense of community,’ Galgano said.‘ ‘?I feel that I could serve New York and Suffolk and would love to.