In every totalitarian regime, there comes a time when the power exerted by the head of state becomes simply too much for the people to accept. The time has come for us Americans to revolt; Czar Barack Obama has overstepped his authorized power, stripping American hero William McKinley of his rightful name on the tallest mountain in the United States. Obama has decided to call it Denali instead, which is a stupid name.
Obama’s despotic abuse of power has already drawn harsh backlash from some of the most level-headed names in politics today. Conservative leaders have denounced the move, with Bristol Palin saying, “stop playing political games and do your job.” Donald Trump has vowed to change the mountain back to its original name if he wins the election. It is time to stop allowing our country to be run by discriminatory bigots, and time to start listening to people like Palin and Trump!
This renaming of the Alaskan mountain is just another example of Obama’s radical left-wing agenda to undermine the white man and remove the legacy of one of the finest Caucasian politicians in our nation’s history.
Obama’s authoritarian policies have almost entirely removed the whites from any political negotiation in government whatsoever. As of this year, a measly 83 percent of congressmen are white, the lowest it has been in our entire history. Where does this man get off discriminating against whites?
William McKinley, a devoted public servant and admired Ohioan, was president of the United States from 1897 to 1901. As president, McKinley led us to victory in the Spanish-American War and was a devout capitalist who stood behind American business and protected our workers. Obama, on the other hand, is a communist that just lets the Spanish come into our country all the time for free. It is no wonder he wants to erase McKinley’s legacy.
McKinley also had a rich history of supporting Alaska, so it makes sense to have a mountain there named after him. Not once in McKinley’s entire life did he ever say anything negative about the place. It does not even matter that he has never set foot in the state.
What is more, McKinley was the man that appointed Theodore Roosevelt as vice-president, allowing him to become president after McKinley was assassinated. Teddy bears were named after Roosevelt, and therefore would not exist if he was not chosen by McKinley. Therefore, Obama is indirectly leading a war against teddy bears.
When I first heard the name was going to be Denali, I assumed that it was a Swahili word with which Obama was spreading his anti-American propaganda, like he always does. When I found the real reason behind the name, I realized it was much, much worse.
Denali is an Eskimo name that means “the high one.” That is right: Obama is a well-known stoner and advocate for smoking marijuana, but endorsing this extreme left-wing hippie policy while renaming an American landmark is a new low. Marijuana is immoral, and Obama should be put behind bars for naming a mountain after the drug, right next to all his other stoner friends.
If you cannot see that Obama is leading a crusade against hard-working American heroes like McKinley, you are in denial. “Denial” has the same letters as “Denali,” which basically proves my point.
There seems to be no limit to the president’s power. One day he is renaming Mt. McKinley after drugs, the next day he is renaming the Mississippi River after Al-Qaeda. This monster is out of control and it is time for us to stop him.
Elias Lamont • Sep 10, 2015 at 10:26 am
Here’s hoping this is satire…
The Dené peoples have lived in Alaska for milennia before any Europeans ever arrived. By the time colonists reached that region of the continent, the natives had already dubbed the mountain “Denali” (more accurately translated as “the tall one”.
All that reverting the name from McKinley to Denali does is undo one knot in the tangled web of white-washing and cultural appropriation that’s formed the backbone of this continent’s history since 1492.
Believing the mountain deserves to be called McKinley tells me that one would rather favor an outsider name from a man with no relation to the mountain than a local name that’s been in use since time immemorial. But at a school that’s only 0.2% Native, maybe expecting people to use common sense on these matters is asking too much.
Jihanne Kerbie • Sep 9, 2015 at 6:14 pm
Wtf kind of white supremacy bullshit is this?? If you take Donald Trump seriously, I consider you a fool. You’re complaining because 83 percent of the congressmen are white? Is this a joke. You can’t be serious.How is that segregating against white people? You’re worrying about him changing the name of a damn mountain. We’ve got bigger things to worry about, for example; the Syrian refugees stuck at the borders trying to escape their country, and you’re worried about Obama spreading “anti-American” aka anti-white propaganda. Honestly, get over yourself. I understand that everyone has the right to freedom of speech, but some morons abuse that privilege. You’re out here making false assumptions about him being a drug addict, terrorist and getting butt hurt of him changing Mt.McKinley to Mt. Denali. This is disgusting. This is the epitome of white supremacy. Out of all the things going on in the United States and globally, this is what you choose to write about. You couldn’t write about student debts, and why isn’t the government helping us pay them off. Also, why the hell is a college education so expensive. Last but not least, how in God’s name are we going to get a job and secure our future in this crappy economy? Reading this post made my head hurt. Ignorance is forever bliss. Next time, find more substantial topics to write about, not ones that lack intelligence and depth.
Christopher Ryan Trent-Keady • Sep 4, 2015 at 2:40 pm
Is this The Onion?
Aimee Brunelle • Sep 4, 2015 at 2:57 pm
No, it’s the April Fool’s edition.
RepackRider • Sep 4, 2015 at 12:20 am
That is about the most deranged diatribe I an remember seeing, and the Internet is huge. Feel free to move to another country where insanity is admired.
I think it’s a riot when outraged morons like the one above run up against…THE LAW, and blame the president for doing something that Congress specifically authorized him to do.
The Alaskan delegation to Congress has been begging for this name change for 40 years. The Ohio delegation, which apparently feels that their “states’ rights” extend to other states, denied them the vote, so the Alaskans appealed to the one person who didn’t need permission from Congress, and got ‘er done.
Congress gave the authority to name geographic locations to the Executive Branch, which means that any arguments about the name change are moot. In 1947 Congress passed Public Law 242, which gives the Secretary of the Interior the authority to name places, subject to approval of the president and the Board on Geographic Names, all
members of which are appointed by the president. Here’s the money quote:
“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior, hereinafter called the Secretary, conjointly with the Board on Geographic Names, as hereinafter provided, shall provide for uniformity in geographic nomenclature and orthography throughout the Federal Government. The Secretary may exercise his functions through such officials as he may designate, except that such authority as relates to the final approval or review of actions of the Board on Geographic Names shall be exercised by him, or his Under or Assistant Secretaries.”
Even if Congress rescinded the permission it granted to the president in 1947, they couldn’t change the name back, because that would be an ex post facto law, forbidden in Article I of that silly ol’ Constitution. Seeing these people wet their panties and then get them all in a bunch is plenty entertaining, as long as you are a patriot.
I am a US Army veteran, E-5, Honorable Discharge. Your patriotism may vary.