Students, faculty members, parents and many others attended the Campus LifeAwards ceremony that was held yesterday in the Student Activities Center Auditorium.People gathered to acknowledge the numerous individuals, as well as the universitygroups like fraternities, sororities, sports teams and clubs, that contributesignificantly to the university’#146;s social life.
The SAC auditorium resembled a Hollywood award show with people dressed intheir best and anxious to discover who would win what award. As the lights dimmed,the Campus Life Awards opened with a slide show of clips from different eventsthat have taken place in 2001 to 2002, like Fraternity and Sorority Night anddifferent sports games from the Seawolves Athletics. The time interval from2001 to 2002 was recognized and correctly addressed as ‘A Year of Remembranceand Challenge,’ referring to the events of Sept. 11.
One of the key ingredients to making an educational experience a life alteringexperience is by becoming a leader,’ said Dr. Frederick R. Preston, VicePresident for Student Affairs, as he opened the awards ceremony. It continuedwith numerous presentations of awards from Fraternity and Sorority AcademicAwards to Graduate Student Organization Service Awards.
Jason Lai, a student ambassador reflected on student leadership and how ithas affected his life. ‘I’#146;ve done well academically,’ Lai said.’But, my biggest accomplishment was my involvement in campus life.’
Many individuals and small groups that are often overlooked, because theirrole on campus has become an everyday part of campus life, were also acknowledgedat the celebration of outstanding community leadership. Unique awards, suchas ‘The Freshman of the Year Award’, which is presented to a freshmanin recognition of his/her commitment and contributions to the campus community,was awarded to Sandy Curtis.
‘The Partnership Award’, which is awarded to a university departmentor individual for continuous support to Department of Student Union and Activitiesand to the quality of student life, was presented to the University Police Department.
‘The Campus Life Awards’ was a celebration of the wealth of servicethat is provided by groups and individuals to make the campus a better place.
One extraordinary individual who was recognized for the richness she has givento the campus this year was Miriam Rios. She was awarded ‘The Theresa Montenaro200 percent Student Leadership Award’. This award is named in honor ofa custodian, who worked in the Stony Brook Union for almost 20 years. She wasrecognized for her generous spirit, unceasing dedication, and commitment tothe Stony Brook Union and campus activities.
‘It’#146;s not enough to be a leader, one must be a just leader and thriveto model the highest principles in our society,’ said Carmen M. Vazquez,Dean of Students, in her message to leaders on campus.
‘Stony Brook students not only gain an education inside the classroombut also outside, which we see in the commitment, involvement and dedicationof these individuals,’ said Cheryl Chambers, Assistant Dean for StudentLife, in her closing remarks.