The election season is once again upon us. This is the time of the year when county, state, and national offices are voted upon. The outcome of these votes usually determines the direction our nation is going to head up until the next year’s elections. For this reason alone, it is vital for all who are eligible to vote, to do so, and exercise their right to be a part of the democratic process.
It is important for the young adults of the country to vote and have their opinions heard. However, with the amount of school work and obligations that make up a typical student’s day, it is difficult for the members of this age group to truly explore and examine the candidates running for office. Who am I voting for? What does this candidate stand for? Will his or her beliefs coincide with my own and make life better for myself and the people I care about?
This is where the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) steps in. NYPIRG is New York State’s largest student-directed consumer, environmental, and government reform organization. This group is dedicated to mobilizing student voters and providing non-partisan voter information. The members of this organization want to empower students, extend a hand to the campus community, and have the local and state politicians listen to and take the students seriously.
Last year the members of the organization registered more than 16,000 students to vote, nearly 3,000 of those being Stony Brook students. They are looking to surpass that total in this year’s election.
NYPIRG believes that it is essential for the students to learn which candidates have ideals and visions similar to their own before they cast their ballot. That is why NYPIRG are going to be handing out flyers and information to SBU students on this year’s elections on Monday, November 6.
The goal of this event is to get students to register to vote and to inform them of the backgrounds and the stands of each of the various candidates running in the elections. Because this year is a federal election year, members of NYPIRG believe that it is vital for students to get involved in the election process.
On Tuesday November 7, between 6AM and 9PM in SAC Ballroom B, any student who is registered to vote on campus is welcome to come and utilize their constitutional right.