Dear Stella,
I’m a freshman at Stony Brook, and I’m new to New York in general.’ I can’t seem to get used to all the blatantly sarcastic people who go here.’ I don’t want to make the blanket comment that New Yorkers are ‘mean,’ but we are certainly more friendly in Wisconsin.’ Do I sell my soul, so to speak, and try to fit in, or do I stick to my guns?’
Please Help!
Abused in NY
Dear Abused,
As a Georgia native myself, I have noticed the sarcasm and blatant disregard present in New York. It took me some time to adjust to the trials and tribulations presented to me, however I did realize that most New Yorkers do have a softer side, when you take a second glance. I want to suggest to you to be a little tougher on the outside, and allow people to say what they may. Don’t take everything so seriously, but remain polite with your own friends and family.
You’re only here for school, and when you go home, Wisconsin will still be a nice place. Remaining true to yourself, and keeping up your own set of standards is important–especially in a place where change is cool, like college.
If you simply develop a tough exterior, and remain the same person inside, you will be successful in both New York and Wisconsin.
Sincerely Yours,
Stella Starr