Registration has begun for Fall 2003 Arts, Crafts, and Leisure Programs at Stony Brook University.’ Classes include photography, watercolor, ceramics, pottery, weaving, knitting, bartending and defensive driving. Classes in scrap booking and jewelry making may soon be available as well.
The Arts, Crafts, and Leisure Center was founded over 30 years ago not only to promote art on the campus, but also to offer students an opportunity to learn new skills, socialize and relax.’
“Being creative touches a different part of your brain and spirit,” said Janice Costanza, Interim Coordinator of the Craft Center.’ “People say that they can’t [create art], but when they try it, they see that they really can learn.’ Anyone can do it.”‘ Registration is open to students, members of the community, alumni, faculty and staff members.’ Between 150 and 200 students register every semester.
Senior Joan Gumbs, who volunteers at many of the free events sponsored by the Crafts and Leisure Center, feels that craft events and classes compliment campus life by “offering another way for students to get involved, socialize, and bond with other people, especially if they are new to the campus.”
Mei Yan, a Ph. D student in electrical engineering said,’The center was important to me as an international student because it
immediately allowed me to be a part of the campus, as well as the Stony Brook off-campus community.” Yan has attended pottery and other classes since her first year at Stony Brook.’ “It is also very stress relieving, and allows you to do something different with your hands than typing on a computer,” she said.
Community member Julia Pomeroy also said that the classes allowed her to get out and relax.’ “It’s a passion and therapy at the same time,” she said. “And I always learn something new.”
These programs are taught by local craftspeople and artists, Stony Brook faculty and graduate students. Undergraduate students assist instruction as well.’ Instruction is also provided by Stony Brook’s Artist-in-Residence, John Casper, whose sculptures and drawings will be displayed at theStudentActivitiesCenterArtGalleryfrom Nov. 5 to Dec. 3.
In addition to the Crafts and Leisure classes, the center also offers membership that allows additional use of the ceramic studio or photography room.’ This membership includes access to equipment, supplies, and locker privileges.
TheStonyBrookUnionCraftCenteris located in the lower level of the Student Union Building.’ Registration for Crafts and Leisure Programs will continue until classes are full. Costanza said the staff of theCraftCenteris always open to suggestions and new ideas, and is eager to expand the number of existing classes and add new ones.’ For information or suggestions, you can reach theCraftCenterat 631-632-6822 or visit their website,