‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Recently,a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven NationalLaboratory, Stephen Schwartz, was elected a Fellow of the American Associationfor the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The AAAS has over 134,000 membersrepresenting over 130 countries and 272 different affiliated societies, and isthe world’s largest association of scientists.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Inaddition to Schwartz, 290 other new Fellows were elected in 2002 by theirpeers. Such a distinction indicates a significant effort for scientificadvancement and a contribution deemed scientifically or socially distinguished.Schmidt’s citation reads: ‘?For outstanding contributions to theunderstanding of atmospheric aerosols and clouds.’ New Fellows will bepresented with an official certificate and a gold and blue rosette pin onFebruary 15 at the Fellows forum during the 2003 AAAS annual meeting in Denver,Colorado.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘?Iam honored to be named a Fellow of AAAS,’ Schwartz said. ‘?Thisnomination represents a very nice recognition of my achievements, which wouldnot have been possible without the efforts and contributions of many colleaguesat Brookhaven and numerous other institutions, as well as encouragement andfunding from the Department of Energy.’
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Otherthan Schmidt, seven other Fellows were elected in the Atmospheric andHydrospheric sciences. In his early years at Brookhaven, Schwartz developedmethods to describe the rate of reactions in clouds that lead to production ofacid rain. His work had a significant impact on the acid deposition section ofthe 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Schwartz’s more recent work includesstudies on microscopic and submicroscopic aerosol particles which influence avariety of atmospheric processes, from precipitation to climate change.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Schwartzreceived a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Harvard University, in1963, and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, in1968. After completing a post-doctoral thesis at the University of Cambridge,England, Schwartz joined the faculty in the Chemistry department at Stony BrookUniversity. Finally, in 1975 he joined Brookhaven National Laboratory, and isnow a senior research scientist there.