‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Let’sbreak out the recipe book. Throw in one serving of gorgeous girl, one servingof dashingly good-looking guy, a few misplaced bets and a whole lot of falsepretenses. Simmer until the two fall in love, then cool until they feelbetrayed. Serve when they realize they are perfect for one another. A recipefor success?
In the case of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ AndieAnderson (Kate Hudson) is a how-to columnist at Composure Magazine (think Cosmopolitan
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Theguy she picks is Benjamin Barry (Matthew McConaughey), an advertising execwho’s trying to hitch a new diamond account. To prove to his boss that heknows what women want, Ben must make a random girl fall in love with him in theoh-so-conveniently allotted timeframe of 10 days.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The?ahem?’?fun’starts: the harder Andie tries to make Benjamin throw her away like a usedlatex’glove, the more determined Benny is to hang on to her. After all,he’s got to prove that he knowswhat women want.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Themovie isn’t good because of its hyper-intricate, incredibly clever plot.It’s good because it’s genuinely funny. When MatthewMcConaughey’s penis is named Princess Sophia by an overly vivacious KateHudson, I feel a sort of victory for men everywhere. There’s even a dognamed Crawl the Warrior (another proposed designation for Benny’s member)that has a habit of urinating on every pool table he comes in contact with. Mixthat in with some excellent obnoxious-female moments that most of us can relateto, and you have some decent laughs.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Withoutits frontline casting, however, I don’t think this movie could havegotten away with as much as it did. Kate Hudson is absolutely beautiful, in adown-to-earth, take-her-home-to-mom (she actually does visit Ben’s home)kind of way. Matthew McConaughey is a great actor who, completely unnecessarily,removes his shirt to bear his freshly waxed washboard abs on a number ofoccasions.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Theonly problem with the movie is its attempt at getting serious. Hudson’scharacter doesn’t feel fulfilled writing her vacuous articles about hairand nails. She wants to write about ‘?politics, and things thatmatter.’ I am so touched. Takeyour place as an empty-headed romantic comedy, and don’t complain.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Don’twatch this movie if you are looking for an earth-shattering, life-changingexperience. Watch it if you want to get away from your hectic life of schoolwork and studying. It’s funny, relaxing and most of all, doesn’trequire a lot of thinking.
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Igive it 3 out of 5 stars