Legislator Jon Cooper (D-Huntington) introduced a bill last year to ban the saleand purchase of all dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids or ephedrain Suffolk County.’ The bill went through public hearings in August of 2002and was voted in by the Health, Education and Youth Committee in December.’ The full legislature will vote on it on Feb. 11.’ If the bill passes andCounty Executive Robert Gaffney signs it, it will become law.
Ephedra is found in supplements used for weight loss, increased energy and bodybuilding.’ The FDA does not restrict their use.’ However, it does requirea warning label to be put on such products. The label states that taking morethan the recommended amount of ephedra can lead to adverse health effects includingheart attack, stroke, seizures and death.
Cooper said that labeling products containing ephedra aren’t sufficient to protectconsumers’ health.’
‘Following intense lobbying by the $17 billion dietary supplement industry,Congress passed the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act in 1994,’#148;he said. ‘ ‘#147;This law exempted dietary supplements like ephedra fromany requirement for pre-market testing.’
It also exempted supplement manufacturers from having to report consumer complaints…to the FDA.’
The US Department of Health and Human Services stated that it received and investigatedmore than 800 reports of adverse events associated with ephedra since 1994.
Legislator Allan Binder (R-Huntington) introduced a bill prohibiting the saleand purchase of ephedra to minors.’ This bill was signed into law in December2003.’
Legislator Joe Caracappa (R- Riverhead) co-sponsored that bill and said he believesthat a total ban of ephedra is unnecessary.’
‘It’s not the county’s job to ban products. That’s the job of the FDA.’ Also, people have to be responsible for their own health,’ he said.’ ‘There’s another problem.’ There are supplement companies on Long Island,like TwinLabs [located in Bohemia], that manufacture that product.’ Banningit will put employees of those companies out of work.’
In hearings before the legislature, representatives from supplement companiessuch as TwinLabs Laboratories and Wellness International Network Ltd. voiced theiropposition to banning ephedra.’ Some of TwinLabs’ products that contain ephedraare Ripped Fuel, Diet Fuel and Herba Fuel.
Greg Dabenhardt, sales associate for Nutrition Warehouse, which sells productscontaining ephedra, echoed Caracappa. ‘#147;Ephedrine is already labeled.’ They shouldn’t ban it.’ People should be mature enough to use it.’
Pawan Chadra, a 28-year-old computer science major at Stony Brook, added, ‘Theproduct should be clearly labeled.’ Banning it is government intrusion.’
Richard Lapsley, Jon Cooper’s legislative aide, said that restricting ephedrafrom minors isn’t sufficient.’
‘In 1996, 20 year-old Northport High School student Peter Schlendorf diedafter taking ephedra.’ And he was taking the required amount of the supplementat the time, Lapsley said. ‘#147;Last spring, students from the same school hadto get attention from the nurse after taking ephedra.’ The people who wereinjured were adults, read the labels, but they still took it.’
Diana Gabriel-Ventimiglia, a 22-year-old biology/biochemistry major said she approvesof the new bill.’ ‘Some people will do everything for a beautiful’ body and not care about their health.’ It should be banned except when undera doctor’s supervision.’
If Cooper’s bill becomes law, violators of the ban will be subject to a $5,000fine, as enforced by the Suffolk County Health Department.
Ephedra is found in supplements used for weight loss, increased energy and bodybuilding.’ The FDA does not restrict their use.’ However, it does requirea warning label to be put on such products. The label states that taking morethan the recommended amount of ephedra can lead to adverse health effects includingheart attack, stroke, seizures and death.
Cooper said that labeling products containing ephedra aren’t sufficient to protectconsumers’ health.’
‘Following intense lobbying by the $17 billion dietary supplement industry,Congress passed the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act in 1994,’#148;he said. ‘ ‘#147;This law exempted dietary supplements like ephedra fromany requirement for pre-market testing.’
The US Department of Health and Human Services stated that it received and investigatedmore than 800 reports of adverse events associated with ephedra since 1994.
Legislator Allan Binder (R-Huntington) introduced a bill prohibiting the saleand purchase of ephedra to minors.’ This bill was signed into law in December2003.’
Legislator Joe Caracappa (R- Riverhead) co-sponsored that bill and said he believesthat a total ban of ephedra is unnecessary.’
‘It’s not the county’s job to ban products. That’s the job of the FDA.’ Also, people have to be responsible for their own health,’ he said.’ ‘There’s another problem.’ There are supplement companies on Long Island,like TwinLabs [located in Bohemia], that manufacture that product.’ Banningit will put employees of those companies out of work.’
In hearings before the legislature, representatives from supplement companiessuch as TwinLabs Laboratories and Wellness International Network Ltd. voiced theiropposition to banning ephedra.’ Some of TwinLabs’ products that contain ephedraare Ripped Fuel, Diet Fuel and Herba Fuel.
Greg Dabenhardt, sales associate for Nutrition Warehouse, which sells productscontaining ephedra, echoed Caracappa. ‘#147;Ephedrine is already labeled.’ They shouldn’t ban it.’ People should be mature enough to use it.’
Pawan Chadra, a 28-year-old computer science major at Stony Brook, added, ‘Theproduct should be clearly labeled.’ Banning it is government intrusion.’
Richard Lapsley, Jon Cooper’s legislative aide, said that restricting ephedrafrom minors isn’t sufficient.’
‘In 1996, 20 year-old Northport High School student Peter Schlendorf diedafter taking ephedra.’ And he was taking the required amount of the supplementat the time, Lapsley said. ‘#147;Last spring, students from the same school hadto get attention from the nurse after taking ephedra.’ The people who wereinjured were adults, read the labels, but they still took it.’
Diana Gabriel-Ventimiglia, a 22-year-old biology/biochemistry major said she approvesof the new bill.’ ‘Some people will do everything for a beautiful’ body and not care about their health.’ It should be banned except when undera doctor’s supervision.’
If Cooper’s bill becomes law, violators of the ban will be subject to a $5,000fine, as enforced by the Suffolk County Health Department.