Carol M. Baldwin will be theinaugural recipient of the Patron Award to be presented at ‘?CelebrateExcellence,’ the first Annual Gala given by Stony BrookUniversity’s School of Medicine and Hospital. This fund-raiser, whichwill be the first major event held at the University’s new Charles B.Wang Center, will be held Saturday, March 1.
The Gala, which is expectedto have many Stony Brook alumni and Long Island business, civic and health careleaders in attendance, will benefit children’s services and programs atStony Brook.
Baldwin has been a leader inthe fight against breast cancer since she was diagnosed with the disease in1990 and has been affiliated with the University, and its Health SciencesCenter (HSC) and Hospital for many years.
The Carol M. Baldwin BreastCancer Research Fund (,which she developed in 1996, raises funds for research at the HSC and hospital.The University Hospital, a premier public research institution, houses TheLong Island Cancer Center where cutting-edge research into the causes of anumber of types of cancer, including breast cancer, is conducted.Baldwin’s Fund has provided researchers with 37 grants totaling $1.8million.
‘?Carol Baldwin is acourageous woman who turned her own fight against cancer into an inspiredeffort to find a cure,’ said Norman H. Edelman, Vice President for theHealth Sciences Center and Dean of the School of Medicine, and Bruce Schroffel,Director and CEO of Stony Brook University Hospital. ‘?Her generoussupport and that of her family has not only helped our institution’sresearch mission; it has been a beacon for women across the region.’
Baldwin is also associatedwith the University through the Carol M. Baldwin Care Center, which is part ofStony Brook University Hospital’s services, and the Carol M. BaldwinBreast Health Screening Center. The Care Center, which provides a variety ofservices from psychological counseling to biopsies to digital mammography, islocated in East Setauket, just two miles from the hospital. The ScreeningCenter, which was opened in 1999, is also operated by the hospital and islocated in Lake Grove’s Smithaven Mall.
‘?Stony Brook is awonderful place,’ Baldwin said. ‘?President Shirley Strum Kenny hasreally put Stony Brook on the map and made people aware of all the great thingsthat happen there. I’m delighted to be the honoree for the Gala becauseof the great care the hospital provides and the outstanding research that isconducted in the School of Medicine.’
Tickets for the Gala are$250 and may be ordered by calling (631) 444-2899.