Newtypes of legislation have been introduced, including safety regulations, suchas those for air travel. However, amidst all these changes there is a segmentof the public who feel that the current Bush Administration is simply misusingthis wave of public support following the tragedies of 9-11 for other purposesthat infringe on civil liberties and is simply participating in underhandedactivities while the attention of the public is diverted. It can also be arguedthat there is another group of society that is using this wave of support fortheir own goal: liberal political activists.
Inrecent weeks, there have been calls to action and protests by organizations allover the country, especially on college campuses. Protests have ranged greatly,from canceling foreign debt to nuclear safety, but focus has been greatlycentered on anti-war efforts. But what is a beleaguered member of society to dowhen there are just so many protests taking place at the same time, attackingone for not sharing the same social conscience? One is left to wonder,’?Is it possible for me to be antiwar, know how each piece of clothing Iwear is manufactured, hate nuclear power, be a vegetarian and advocatelegalization of drugs at the same time?”
In Stony Brook University, there have been severalprotests against a war on Iraq and attacking the administration for creating afalse pretense under the ‘War on Terrorism’ banner. One might agreethat there is also a false pretense created by these activists, one that soundssomething like, ‘?Terrorism is not as important as protecting theliberties of countries harboring terrorists.’
Eventsexist that prove to the international public that Western interests/countriesare often targeted for terrorism. Simply put, a lot of people don’t likeus and would like us to die. Animosity towards the U.S. is evident in theInternational support we garnered directly after the terrorist attacks and lostjust as quickly (reference the past German election). To those that may believeotherwise, and protest so actively, here are a few events that may helpillustrate this statement, some taking place within the last few weeks:
-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Attack on Israeli tourists, native Kenyans and an Airliner in Kenya
-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 U.S. Soldiers shot in Kuwait
-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ U.S. Nurse murdered in Lebanon
-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ British Law enforcement agencies foil a plot to use poison gas in attack onSubway System
-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Checen Terrorists storm a Russian Theater in Moscow taking hundreds hostage.Over 100 die in ensuing battles and rescue attempt
-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Terrorists bomb a nightclub frequented by tourists in Bali, Indonesia. Over 200dead, many foreigners.
Terroristsattack a French Oil Tanker in Yemen
Whyshouldn’t there be a war on terrorism, when terrorists obviously have awar against everyone else? The current wave of activism and protests seems tosimply be a by-product of people who just can’t resist protestingSOMETHING. There is another protest going on, this protest led by terrorist,who does not speak with signs and chants, but with bombs and bullets aimedtowards innocent civilians. Protest the death of innocent Kenyans, protest thetargeting of an Israeli airliner, protest those who would have been happy tosee your body pulled from the rubble of the World Trade Center or the Pentagon.Don’t just protest anything.