Students gathered in the SACBallrooms last Wednesday to meet faculty, staff and administrators at thePrimetime Academic Fair, Stony Brook’s first-ever interdepartmentalstudent advising session. Students from different academic backgrounds weregiven the opportunity to explore Stony Brook’s many programs anddepartment majors and minors.
‘?In the past, eachdepartment had individual advising groups. Now we have everyone in one place,so the students can interact with many departments in one arena,’ saidSandra Trapani, Academic Advisor and head coordinator of the event.
The Academic Advising Center(AAC) is responsible for advising students on general education requirements,and academic rules and regulations. The staff helps students prepare for theircareers and keeps them informed about scheduling and programs.
Students who have accumulated 45credits at the university are called to declare a major to fulfill theirgraduation requirements. ‘?Students who haven’t declared majors andare at 45 credits should do so,’ said Richard Gatteau, Director ofAcademic Advising. ‘?This year, we’ll be contacting those studentsindividually to discuss their potential majors.’
Academic advisors, peer advisors,and department heads were on hand to help students map out their career path.Students collected information about Study Abroad Opportunities andLiving/Learning Communities, and had the option of signing up for majors and minorson-site.
‘?The goal is to have a highstudent turnout. Here, students with more than one major can speak to theirrespective department heads,’ Gatteau said. ‘?The faculty here hasmore curriculum-based advising experience. They know how to help students getthrough their major.’
In fact, individuals from somedepartments said they did benefit from the multifaceted environment.
‘?I think it’s muchbetter to do it this way. I can send students to other departments that arereadily available to go to,’ said Marilyn Cushing, Advisor in UndergraduateBiology. ‘?In the Biology department, we’re connected to otherprograms and it’s helpful to have them all right here.’
Other departments were morecritical of the atmosphere, citing the lack of concentrated resources at thesite.
‘?This is a good way todistribute material to students, but at our own Primetime, students can talkdirectly to the entire faculty in the department, [which] is moreeffective,’ said Andreas Koenig, Assistant Professor, Anthropology.
Trapani of the AAC said, however,that departmental advising does not end at the general Primetime session.’?This was directed toward the entire student population. Now we haveeveryone in one place,’ she said. ‘?Each department can still holdits own Primetime.’
Students generally found theevent worthwhile. ‘?I found the event really helpful,’ sophomoreJoic Job said. ‘?I was surprised to see how many professors,administrators, and students came from all around the university.’
Students who missed the AcademicAdvising event may contact Academic Advising for any information at 2-7082, orto e-mail [email protected]for an appointment.