John FrederickBailyn, Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics and Izabela KalinowskaBlackwood, Assistant Professor, Department of European Languages, Literatureand Culture both received this prestigious grant.
Bailyn’s grantwill give him the opportunity to lecture and pursue research at Moscow StateUniversity in Russia. Blackwood’s grant will allow her to conduct studies atJagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.’
Furthermore, theUnited States Department of State and the J. William Fulbright ForeignScholarship Board also states that these grants will be used during the2002-2003 academic year.
‘I knowthat the Fulbright Scholar grants are very hard to come by,’ sophomoreJeff Kruszyna said.’ ‘However, I’m not surprised that faculty fromour campus were selected.’ I know there are a number a great professorswho are at the top of their fields that are right here at Stony Brook.’
Bailyn willteach ‘Generative Syntactic Theory in Comparative Perspective; aDerivational Analysis of Russian Word Order.’ Blackwood will researchPolish cinema from the end of communism through the transition to thepost-communism era.
Roughly 800 USuniversity faculty and professionals will travel around the globe to over 140countries during the 2002-2003 academic year with the help of the FulbrightScholar Program. ‘ This program was established in 1946 under legislationintroduced by the late Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas.’ Itsstated purpose is to build mutual understanding between the people of theUnited States and other countries.
Although theuniversity is losing two very highly regarded faculty members to the program,Stony Brook will also be gaining Fulbright Visiting Scholar Gulay Tuter, fromGazi University in Turkey, for the 2002-2003 academic year.
‘I thinkthat we will gain much from the visiting professor.’ Often other countrieshave ideas, opinions, and different teaching styles that we normally don’tencounter,’ junior Alex Borress said.’ ‘I’m sure we as studentsand a university will benefit greatly.’
The U.S.Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs sponsors theFulbright Program. ‘ Through its 56 years of existence, thousands of U.S.faculty and professionals have studied, taught or done research abroad, andthousands of their counterparts from other countries have engaged in similaractivities within the United States. ‘
Recipients ofFulbright Scholar awards are selected on the basis of academic or professionalachievement and because they have demonstrated extraordinary leadershippotential in their fields.’ Both John Frederick Bailyn and IzabelaKalinowska Blackwood were unavailable for comment at the time of press.