This whimsical story ballet is set in Galacia, Poland. The main character, Swanilda, is jealous of the toy-maker’#146;s daughter Coppelia because she sees her fianc’eacute; Frantz blow a kiss to Coppelia. She enters the toy-maker’#146;s house accompanied by several friends. They soon discover that Coppelia is actually a puppet. The girls dance happily around the workshop and play with the dolls and toys. When the toy-maker returns home he angrily turns them away. Swanilda hides behind curtains where Coppelia is, with out being seen. Suddenly, Frantz appears and professes his love and devotion for Coppelia. The toy-maker pretends to be happy and offers Frantz a glass of wine.
After drinking the wine, Frantz falls into a deep slumber. The toy-maker happily takes out a spell book, he says he will transform Frantz life into life for his puppet daughter. When he is finished with the spell Swanilda, dressed as Coppelia, begins to dance. She dances as though she were a doll coming to life with stiff, mechanical motions. She dances a beautiful solo. The toy-maker falls to his knees weeping for joy. As Frantz begins to awaken Swanilda opens the curtains and reveals the puppet Coppelia sitting on her wooden base. Frantz is horrified and the toy-maker realizes he has been tricked.