Dear Editor:
I have been a regular reader of your paper for a few years now and I have foundit to be an informative periodical. I have especially enjoyed watching it growand improve as I feel the quality of the paper has progressed greatly duringthis past year especially. I want to commend you, on a job well done. I lookforward to seeing the progression of the paper in the coming year as well.
I have chosen to write at this particular time because I feel that all toooften readers present a negative sentiment in their letters to the editor andthough we are all welcome to our opinion, I feel many people lose sight of theservice that the paper provides to the campus and surrounding community. I cannot begin to describe the number of events I would have remained unaware ofhad I not read about them in the Statesman.
I agree with your board editorials which comment on the extreme lack of publicityand involvement on campus. I have found this to be a serious problem that manystudents also recognize, but few try to overcome. I laud your efforts to combatstudent apathy and inform students and faculty alike about campus, local, national,and international news.
This is not to say that I see no room for improvement in the paper or thatI never disagree with anything said in it. However, I think that all too oftenwe remain silent until we are unhappy with something. I believe criticism certainlyhas its place on the pages of your paper, but I think it is definitely a publicationworthy of praise as well.
I look forward to reading Statesman in the year to come and watching the paperraise its already commendable standards. Keep up the good work!
Martha Kim