Palestinian leaders, under interrogation by the Israeli government, implicatedYasir Arafat in financing terrorists. The office of Prime Minister Ariel Sharonreleased a three-page statement outlining these charges.
The statement says that the findings of the interrogations indicate Arafathad approved money for operatives with the full knowledge that the money wouldfund terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.
The Israeli government said that it has learned the explosives used in theattacks came from weapon depots of the Palestinian Authority.
Transcripts of the interrogations were not released. Information concerningthe state of imprisonment of the Palestinian leaders was also not released.Also, some of the men interrogated had in the past denied Arafat’#146;s rolein preparing terrorist attacks.
The prisoners include Marwan Barghouti, a senior leader of Arafat’#146;s Fatahorganization and a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, who was arrestedin Ramallah. Israeli security officials have accused Barghouti of mastermindingFatah terrorism and funneling money to Fatah militants. The Israeli governmentsaid that Barghouti admitted to being involved in terrorist attacks that killedand injured scores of Israeli civilians.
The Israeli government claims that any operative requiring funds would haveto fill out a form to submit to Arafat. It is not clear if these requests includedterrorist attacks.
Barghouti, who calls himself a political leader who supports a two state peacesolution, said that he approved attacks against Israeli soldiers and settlersin the West Bank and Gaza but not against pre-1967 Israel.
Another prisoner, militant leader Nasser Abu Hamid, claims that he and hismen informed Barghouti of every operation by him and his men.
Israeli officials also claims that Ahmen Barghouti, a relative of and aideto Marwan Barghouti, personally sent suicide bombers who killed Israeli citizensand wounded others. The source of this information was not revealed.
These statements were made as Sharon prepares to meet with President Bush.It is speculated that Sharon will present Bush with a proposal that may includeterritorial concessions if Palestinian violence ceases.