We’#146;d like to take this opportunity to pat ourselves on our collectiveStatesman back. You might have seen the ad; if not, here’#146;s the good news:we are the recipient of four 2002 Newsday School Journalism Awards.This is afairly big deal for us. Our current staff of nearly 40 students grew out ofa handful of diehards who started this school year with the goal of just gettingthe paper out in a timely manner. At the beginning of the fall semester, twopeople spent two sleepless nights a week laying out issues of the Statesmantogether. Nearly half of each of these issues was comprised of articles writtenby those two people.
The paper owes Chris Latham and Jeff Javidfar a huge debt of gratitude forall of their dedication and commitment. Their recruitment efforts over the courseof the first semester were vital tool getting this publication to where it isright now. Both continue to support and nourish the paper, building upon thefoundation they provided through their efforts in the fall.
We are very proud of our awards, and specifically we’#146;d like to congratulatethe award recipients: Kelly Brown for Features, Jeff Javidfar for Sports, MarieHuchton for Photography, and Albert Scott for Cartooning. They, and all of theother members of our staff, have worked very hard to produce a publication ofwhich the entire University can be proud. We’#146;re also indebted to the individualsand organizations on campus who have worked with us in our efforts to supplythe community with news, entertainment, and essential information. We look forwardto continued growth and success.