To the Editor:
In the Op-Ed piece by Statesman editor Adam Zimmerman of the 4/11 issue, Mr.Zimmerman criticized Prof. Dale Drueckhammer for giving an exam in Organic ChemistryII on the Monday after spring break. If Mr. Zimmerman had taken the troubleto secure the facts before awarding the grade, he would have discovered thatevening exams are not scheduled by the individual instructor, but rather bythe Dean’s office.
This is done to avoid exam conflicts and ensure optimum use of the rooms available.If there is criticism of giving an exam that day, it should be directed to theDean’s Office, not to Prof. Drueckhammer.
Mr. Zimmerman also criticized Prof. Drueckhammer for providing students anoptional review session on the evening before the exam, calling it ‘outrageous.’I would suggest that a better characterization would be ‘praiseworthy’or ‘commendable.’ Coming in on a Sunday evening to help students out,in the face of an unfortunate exam schedule, should receive thanks, not criticism.In my book, Prof. Drueckhammer gets an A, and Adam Zimmerman gets an F.
Prof. Robert Kerber
Chemistry Director of Undergraduate Studies