The Stony Brook Men’#146;s lacrosse team (8-5) beat the University of Delaware(2-9) to capture its final win ever at Seawolves Field. Next spring the StonyBrook lacrosse team will find themselves in the brand new stadium.
Kevin Pall, Matt Caploettano and Steve Conlon all scored early to give theSeawolves an early 3-0 lead at the end of the first period. But the Blue Hensresponded with a 3-0 run of their own in the second period to tie the game atthree heading into halftime.
Sean Farrell scored for Stony Brook at the 14:13 mark in the third period givingthe Seawolves the lead at 4-3. But Delaware quickly returned with a goal fromScott Evans tying the game again at four.
Dennis Scannell, Kevin Pall and Farrell put the Seawolves up for good, eachscoring one more time in the third period. The Blue Hens also scored one moregoal in the third period making it 7-5 after three periods.
Two-minute penalties by Delaware gave the Seawolves a two-man advantage inthe fourth period and Stony Brook capitalized.
Pall scored his second goal of the game making it 8-5. The Blue Hens answeredwith another goal at 11:12 from attack player Evans.
Pall and Farrell then added two more goals in less than a minute of each otherto make it 10-6.
Delaware responded again, but this time with only one goal from R.C. Reed with5:15 left in the game. Stony Brook then finished the game off with Pall scoringhis fourth goal of the day with just under four minutes left, making the final11-7.
‘We played well in the second half,’ Farrell said. ‘Kevin camethrough and scored four goals.’
Though the Seawolves have the win they still were upset with some of the goalsthat they allowed Delaware to get.
‘They scored two garbage goals,’ Pall said. And Farrell added, ‘Theywere cheesy goals.’
The game proved to be very physical and at times even dirty. Delaware had 13penalties for 12:30 while Stony Brook had seven for 4:30.
‘They had a lot of bad checks,’ said Conlon. ‘They talked alot too.’
Despite the roughhouse play at times, the win gave the Seawolves an 81-49 overallrecord here in 19 years at Seawolves Field.
The Seawolves will finish its 2002 regular season at UMBC this Saturday.
‘We want to walk away with a win,’ Farrell.