The U.S. Department of Energy’#146;s Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) willhost a four-mile Earth Day Run/Walk at its site on Saturday, April 20, at 3p.m. All entry fees from the 4-mile event will benefit Long Island Cares Inc.,a regional food bank.
Children 12 and under are invited to participate in a free one-half-mile FunRun at 4 p.m. Race day registration/check-in will begin at 1 p.m. in the Laboratory’#146;sBerkner Hall. All visitors to the Laboratory age 15 and older are required tobring a photo ID to be admitted on site.
The race will be held on a U.S. Track & Field Federation certified course,consisting of a combination of road and wide trails through the Pine Barrenson the BNL site.
The course is relatively flat with some slight rolling hills in the last mile.Miles will be marked, a two-mile water stop will be available, and mile splittimes will be called out.
The overall male and overall female winners who take first-place will receiveprizes from Adobe Artes of Huntington, Long Island. The top three male and femalerunners and the top three master male and master female runners (runners overage 40) will receive merchandise certificates from some of Long Island’#146;stop running stores.
The first 300 registered runners will receive a pullover running jacket. Allchildren who participate in the Fun Run will take home a tree seedling to plantin honor of Earth Day. Following the races, a raffle will be held for all participants.
Long Island Cares, Inc. is a not-for-profit, community-based, regionally responsiveorganization working in partnership with charitable agencies in Nassau and SuffolkCounties. The anti-hunger organization and food bank was founded in 1980 bythe late singer and activist Harry Chapin in response to the immediate needsof hungry Long Islanders.
Applications to enter the race may be downloaded from more information call (631) 344-5660. For thosewho pre-register before April 12, the entry fee is $15, which is discountedto $12 if you bring a nonperishable food item for the local food bank.
The entry fee for applications postmarked after April 12 will be $18, or $15with a nonperishable food item. Checks made payable to BSA and application formsshould be sent to Peter Pohlot, Brookhaven National Laboratory, P.O. Box 5000,Bldg. 130, Upton, NY 11973-5000.
Brookhaven Lab is located on William Floyd Parkway, one and a half miles northof Long Island Expressway Exit 68.