10. The All American Rejects “When the World Comes Down” Alright, so this record did just come out. It sounds similar to their old stuff, like their original record. I think some of the songs are very poppy, but in a different sound then the radio. They tried some new things. However, I feel as if the production value could be equal to a local band.
9. Anberlin “New Surrender” This record is on repeat a lot for me, well, the first couple tracks anyway. Its very rock. Straight-foward, fist-pumping sing-alongs, particularly songs like “Breaking.”
8. The Hold Steady “Stay Positive” I love these guys. The speaking vocals might be what gets me on their stuff, and it continues throughout this record. I’m also happy that “Sequestered in Memphis” got airplay on RXP this year.
7. Death Cab for Cutie “Narrow Stairs” These guys got to go mainstream a bit in 2008. Some of their singles were really good, but the album versions of the songs as opposed to the radio-friendly versions are so much better. With tracks like “Cath. . .” and “No Sunlight,” it’s obvious that DCFC = love.
6. Panic! at the Disco “Pretty. Odd.” Yeah. I did it. This album, reminiscent of The Beatles, has made it through. It’s fresh. I don’t like hearing the crap they had on the last CD that spawned the ridiculous amount of synth bands. “The Green Gentleman” is AWESOME. The pop into the verse gets me every time. It also helps that “Nine In The Afternoon” is so good that it’s the beginning of four of the tracks that aren’t “Nine In The Afternoon” (…Yeah, I downloaded it, so that’s the version I got. Jealous?) By the way — I love the loss of the punctuation in the name, but the extra in the album title. Classy.
5. Hit the Lights “Skip School Start Fights” I was worried when their singer left that they wouldn’t be back. But they came back with Nick singing and I think it is the same, 100 percent. I like that they even mentioned the whole deal on the first track. Everything on here is what you would expect after hearing their debut album. A little heavy at times but deep.
4. Fall Out Boy “Folie