The Obama campaign amassed more than $66 million in funds during the month of September. It appears that there is a group of people who want Obama to win the presidency and are willing to spend to insure his victory.
It goes without saying that presidential campaigns are fueled by their wealthy benefactors, but too often the identities and motives of these providers go uncovered by voters.
Sen. Obama, seen by many as the candidate of the “average joe” worker, may very well be financially supported by corporate giants and Fortune 500 companies. Prospective voters must carefully consider which constituency their candidate will act in favor once in the White House. What will Obama owe his benefactors if elected? What do they expect of him in exchange for their overwhelming support?
Obama continues to raise tremendous funds vastly superior to those of Sen. McCain and appears to be the increasingly likely successor to Bush. His potential voters, while understandably excited, must not neglect to make certain that the candidate who they chose months ago, is still a representative of their group. Without constant pressure from the public, any political figure can become overwhelmingly influenced by their corporate supporters.
Ironically, the candidate labeled as the poster boy for change has the fund raising advantage. In a traditional sense, conservatives should receive an outpouring of financial support from those who wish tax and other laws to stay the same.
Perhaps Obama genuinely appeals to common men and the upper class alike. If the candidate truly embodies such mass appeal, he could be the great force needed to unify this nation. An argument against such a belief is Obama’s known general tax scheme, which aids the poor at the expense of the middle and upper classes. Why, at this point, would the rich have a sudden change of heart and submit to paying higher taxes to support the poor?
Again, all of this may reflect a growing nation and a large scale shift of the upper class to more liberal ideology, but I have not seen such a change evidenced in any other ares of American society. Citizens who vote must research their candidate and discover what constituencies stand to gain advantages due to the election of which candidates. The GOP has given the its members every reason to jump ship and hop on the left wing bandwagon. Citizens must ask why.
In age where conservatism struggles, why would the Republican Party nominate an inexperienced governor for vice president? Surely the GOP leaders must realize that many voters considering McCain have withdrawn their support due to the nomination of Gov. Sarah Palin. In times like these, in the midst of political change, we must ask who is pulling the strings. Is the playing board of this election so horribly skewed to the left by chance?
The answers are largely unknown, but do not have to remain that way. As an Obama supporter, I find the uncertainty of the existing circumstances to be unnerving. Only active inquiry and research can cure such an uncomfortable state.
Do not vote blind. Seek information and make an educated choice.