When it comes to the vice presidential candidates for the 2008 presidential election, there really is no better choice between the two nominees. Sarah Palin and Joe Biden are both so bad that I think even the average 12-year-old could be a better vice president.
Honestly, if I had a quarter for every time I heard someone say, “Palin’s an idiot!” or “Biden’s a moron,” I’d be rich and on my way to Hawaii by now.
Both candidates have severe flaws and are not ready to be in a position of high power. To put it simply, there are many other people in this country who are way more qualified than these two, like any 12-year-old. For starters, both have said the most ridiculous things at crucial times during their election campaigns.
Let’s start with Biden. He talks way too much for his own good, and there are many comments he has made over these past few weeks which could easily embarrass him. I could not believe that he actually said during a campaign rally a few weeks ago, “Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more than I am to be vice president of the United States of America?Quite frankly, she might have been a better pick than me.”
Biden himself clearly does not even think he should be VP, so why is he even a nominee? It surprises me how people can even take him seriously. On top of that, he makes some of the most racist remarks I have ever heard. I know it has been a long campaign period, but does anybody else remember when Biden actually referred to Barack Obama as the “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy” during an interview with The New York Observer during in January 2007.
What was Obama thinking by choosing Biden?
Now, to further demonstrate my point that both candidates are imbeciles, Sarah Palin is, without a doubt, the most unqualified person to ever run for vice president. It makes me wonder whether McCain was really that desperate to find a running mate that he actually had to scrape Palin’s name out of the bottom of the barrel.
It is incredible how she actually thinks she can do this job. For example, when asked by Katie Couric, of CBS News, to name a single newspaper or magazine that she reads, she responded by saying, “All of ’em, any of ’em that have been in front of me over all these years.” During that same CBS News interview on October 1st, Palin said, “Well, let’s see. There’s — of course — in the great history of America rulings there have been rulings” when asked to name a Supreme Court decision she disagreed with other than Roe vs. Wade.
These two candidates really make us look bad as Americans. They give themselves and the Presidential candidates such bad names that I am truly embarrassed for them. I feel bad for McCain and Obama who have made such poor decisions in selecting their running mates. I guess what I’m trying to say is that in a country as great as America with so many opportunities, is this really all we have to choose from? How could there be no other options for us?