Thirty-year-old pipes, leaks and old shower basins were to blame for the hot water problems plaguing Mendelsohn, Roosevelt and Kelly Quads during the second week of school.
Dina Moore, quad office service manager for Mendelsohn Quad, said that Wing A2 in Irving College had no hot water for a day and a half. But Karen Duffy, a freshman and resident of Wing A2 in Irving College, said the hot water was off from Sept. 11 until Sept. 16.
“I wish they had put the hot water back on when they said they would and explained to us why the hot water was turned off,” Duffy said.
Ken Fehling, director of residential operations, said the showers in Irving College were leaking and the hot water had to be turned off to replace the old shower basins.
Fehling said in Gray College, part of Mendelsohn Quad, the maintenance department made a prototype of a new shower basin to see how they would go about repairing and renovating 29 more in the quad next summer.
“We are putting a band-aid on the problem since we don’t have the money or time to repair and renovate all the shower basins,” Fehling said.
Days before the hot water problem in Irving College, Roosevelt and Kelly Quads had no hot water because of a leak in the high temperature hot water system.
A leak by Greeley College in Roosevelt Quad affected the rest of the quad and every building in Kelly Quad, except Schick and Hamilton College.
Fehling said the thirty-year-old pipes by Greeley College are currently being replaced with new pipes to prevent leaking.
Signs were posted on bathroom doors throughout the quads, letting residents know there were hot showers available in the Sports Complex.
Sophomore Jennifer Hurowitz, resident of Baruch College in Kelly Quad said the current construction and hot water problems are becoming constant disruptions to her and the residents in her quad.
“It’s only the second week of school and there’s already construction going on around my quad and the hot water was turned off in my building,” Hurowitz said. “What can I expect next?”