Welcome to The Statesman’s first edition of the Alcohol Issue. As a college campus newspaper, we are always looking for ways to engage our audience.
Much like our annual Sex Issue, we see the Alcohol Issue as an opportunity to create a dialogue about the aspects of college life that affect our student body. St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday famed for its drinking rituals, seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so.
In American society, there is no doubt that college and drinking go hand in hand. In college, students turn 21 and live on their own for the first time, giving them the freedom to partake in the drinking culture. But it is not typical that college students wait until they are 21 to start taking part in alcoholic activities.
We reject the stigmas attached to the connection between college students and drinking, such as irresponsibility, binge drinking, trips to the hospital, etc. Instead, we advocate for Seawolves to be responsible while drinking.
The college nights we remember should be filled with friends and happiness, not traumatic events we would rather forget. Our hope with this issue, then, is to inform and educate our community about alcohol and the responsibility that comes with it.
In this issue, you will find stories about drunkorexia, the bars that used to exist on campus, what a hangover is, how to cook with beer and the life of an alumna bartender. We are hoping that, by the time you have finished reading this issue, we will have broadened your knowledge and how you perceive alcohol. Alcohol does not always have a negative connotation, and we are trying to shed light on the positive side.
So please enjoy—not only this issue, but whatever you choose, responsibly.
The Editorial Board