In the early hours of Wednesday morning, five residential quads and five academic buildings on West campus lost power because of a temporary power outage. The blackout began at approximately 1:30 a.m. and by 3:30 a.m. all electricity and voltage had been fully recovered, according to University Spokesperson Lauren Sheprow of the Office of Media Relations.
A feeder failure to the university caused an interruption in power supply and the incident is currently under investigation. The residential quads affected were Kelly Quad, Roth Quad, Schomburg Apartments, Tabler Quad, and the West Apartment Complex.
The outage also affected the Educational Communications Center (ECC), Computer Science, Heavy Engineering, Javits Lecture Center, and Old Engineering buildings.
The power cut is unrelated to last year’s power failures in residence halls and the current renovation and construction work happening at Roth Food Court.