Dots have him floating foolishly in centrifugal motions His thoughts of her too often, presumptuous notions He’s obsessed with all of her DAMN “mole marks” They are “Stickers marked on her before birth from my heart” PA-THE-TIC! Aaand, he continues, “On the palm of her hands are my initials, ‘M'” “O please let her be mine” he beseeched I laughed in his face, HARD- BODIED! But allowed his heart to seek. He’s unsound ? ? I HAVE A NEVUS! … You see, with him, I don’t get nervous When the dots on His skin are connected, they spell ‘MINE’ And my name too begins with an ‘M’ And for a while now we’ve been very close friends Together we’ve eaten dots, M’M’s I just don’t know how to tell him what I’ve been thinking:
‘Yo! Homie! Can’t you see what the dots at night in the sky are telling you…?’
‘I’ve fallen out of loneliness and flew in love with you’