Around 10:50 a.m. on Feb. 19, a fire occurred on the Research and Development campus. After inspection, arson was considered as the cause.
Car Crash
Around 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 19, a motor vehicle accident occurred in the South Parking Lot. No injuries were reported.
Petit Larceny
At 4:00 p.m. petit larceny occurred in the SAC Caf’eacute;. Male offender was escorted to police headquarters. A second petit larceny occurred around 6:00 p.m. in the SAC Caf’eacute; as well. Female offender was arrested and escorted to police headquarters.
Around 1:00 a.m. on the Feb. 20, police found three bags of marijuana in a room in Benedict College. Student was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and was given a referral.
Car Accident
Two more motor vehicle accident occurred in the Administration parking garage, the first around 10:34 a.m. and the second around 7:11 p.m. No injuries were reported for either crash.