Towards the ending of fall The majority of the trees ask the evergreen ‘Why must you still be so green?’ The evergreen, did not want to lie Not wanting to hurt in response he did not reply Towards the middle of January The same trees were there to ask again ‘It’s winter, relax your leaves evergreen’ ‘Reform, Conform, change into our uniforms’ ‘Comply, must we try to force you to reply’?
But, It must be told of trees History In the fall, the winter, the majority of the trees No tree knows for sure But they loved these seasons the most out of four Except for the evergreens For evergreens, they loved Spring and summer There strands were greener and for God they looked humbler Only wanting to stress History at best, I digress?
And so at the very beginning of February The brave evergreen finally replies ‘I must forever be green’ ‘To remind that in moments of spring’ ‘All of us truly look our best and for God us all are able to sing’ ‘In winter, although most convenient for you’ ‘For us few this isn’t true’ ‘So to keep you humble, my dearest friends’ ‘For us all I will forever be green till the very end’