Residence Halls Police Reports
Car Accident
A motor vehicle accident occurred in the Mendelsohn parking lot around 7:50AM on the 4th of December. No injuries were reported.
Marijuana Reports
Around 1:30PM on the 4th of December, two students were referred in Benedict College for smoking marijuana.
Around 9:20PM on the 5th of December, reports were made of students smoking marijuana in Baruch College.
Around 10:50PM on the 5th, reports were made of students smoking marijuana in James College.
Around 6:20PM on the 6th of December, the odor of marijuana was found in Whitman College.
Crisis Intervention
A dispute was broken up between a boyfriend and girlfriend around 10:30PM on the 4th of December.
A fight between two male roommates in Keller College was broken up around 2:00AM on the 5th of December. A student referral was issued and one student was admitted to the University Hospital, though refused to press charges.
A burglary occurred in Keller College around 7:15PM on the 5th of December. No suspects were reported.
Campus Roads Police Reports
Car Accidents
At 11:00AM on the 4th of December, a motor vehicle accident occurred on Tuckahoe Rd.
A motor vehicle accident occurred around 2:30PM on the 6th in the Admin Parking Garage.
Another motor vehicle accident occurred around 7:15PM on the 6th in the Stadium parking lot. No injuries were reported.
Other Police Reports
Stuck in Elevator
Three people were stuck in a Health Science Center elevator around 4:50PM on the 4th of December. All were freed and situation was corrected.
Car Keyed
Around 8:15PM on the 4th, a car was keyed in the Health Science Center Parking Garage.