To all Grey’s Anatomy viewers:
House MD is currently the best medical TV drama and has been so for the past three and half seasons.
Not only have the writers and producers of House MD succeeded in creating the antithesis of the ever-popular chick flick type soap opera drawls, but also they have actually found a way of cleverly prolonging the life of the show through a brilliant showing of creativity and originality.
This past season, House’s original team was successfully displaced by a new group of House wannabes, upstarts who had to slave through weeks of House’s elimination game. The end result: three new doctors who not only have the viewers’ trust but also their respect.
Grey’s Anatomy gains more ratings by fitting the mold of any old 20th century television drama; it simply takes NBC’s ER part soap opera, part medical drama to the extreme. House, on the other hand, has increased its overall ratings the past three years almost to the level of Grey’s through actual wit, humor, and a character that people actually want to watch.
Now, if Grey’s had taken more of a Scrubs approach, it would have been a much better show. Or rather, maybe they could have alternated, taking the Scrubs approach one show and House the next. ABC could then actually say that it had a legitimate medical TV drama. Imagine, all the Grey’s doctors imagining their heads separated from their bodies one episode, then the next episode, instead of taking Viagra, have all the male actors take Vicodin pills.