Medical Emergencies at LISVH
A number of medical emergencies were reported from the Long Island State Veterans Home (LISVH) this past Tuesday, Oct. 30. Four individuals, three of them residents of LISVH, were rushed to the University Hospital by EMS.
Motor Vehicle Accident
On Tuesday Oct. 30, a motor vehicle accident was reported at the intersection of Circle Road and West Apts. Rd.
Property Found
Three ATM/debit cards were found on Tuesday Oct. 30, on the fifth floor of the University Hospital. Property was found at Hamilton College (in Kelly Quad). One SB ID card was found at the Student Union Info Desk.
Chemical Spill
On Tuesday Oct. 30, a spill of hazardous material was reported from the University Hospital.
Miscellaneous Reports from Residential Colleges
On Tuesday Oct. 30, two reports were made regarding dirty smoke detectors. In both instances, the Fire Marshall was notified.
In Roth Quad, property was forcibly taken from an individual. Suffolk County Police arrived at the scene. This incident was first reported in the Nov. 1, 2007 issue of the Statesman.
On Tuesday, Oct. 30, a call was made for crisis intervention. Suspicious individuals were seen on Tuesday, Oct. 30, at Hendrix College in Roth Quad. There were reports of individuals running through buildings all throughout the quad. When the area around Roth Quad was patrolled, nothing problematic was observed.
On Wednesday, Oct. 31, an individual was found sleeping in his car at the Douglass College Residence Hall and was deemed “suspicious” by the University Police.
At Benedict College, on Wednesdsay, Oct. 31, a report was made of an intoxicated male passed out on a ground floor hallway. The student was returned to his home.
At Benedict College, on Wednesday, Oct. 31, graffiti was found on basement walls.