Halloween is a time when children of all ages can dress up and indulge in the joys of fun, laughter and candy. But trick-or-treating and dressing up shouldn’t be limited to only children.
Most of us remember our younger, sweeter days as we traveled from house to house tricking and treating for candy and treats. I remember choosing my costume carefully, a gorgeous fairy princess outfit including wings and a wand, as I went around my neighborhood from house to house. Smiling neighbors would offer me candy while others kept their doors closed.
Each opened door allowed a glimpse into a different world as I peeped excitedly into the living rooms of neighbors’ homes. But such childhood innocence eventually fades as we grow older and realize the grey world we truly inhabit where not all things are rainbows and sunshine. The older we grow, the more we learn about the world.
But not all things must be so serious or we would end up as the boring drones we scoffed at as children. As college students, we shouldn’t forget to have a little fun and let loose. Granted, most college students overindulge in parties and drunken nights (and some of the costumes can be extravagantly slutty),’ but simply dressing up as our favorite characters from television shows and letting our imaginations loose doesn’t hurt anyone.
We are reminded of our early youth as we celebrate the only day of the year when children can dress up and overindulge in treats and adults are excused for their scantily clad costumes.