“There once was a dream that was Rome.” When I hear those eight words I get a chill down my spine. Whenever I watch the movie Gladiator I try to imagine myself in the middle of the Coliseum fighting for my life as thousands of spectators chant my name. The last scene is my favorite. Maximus takes out Commodus to end the bittersweet reign of this vile Caesar. But like every other good movie, the good guy doesn’t live to see home again. I like to replay the ending of that movie in my head. It’s nice to know that one man tried to end the political corruption that inevitable destroyed Rome.
If it was possible to go back in time to the founding of this country you would most likely hear our forefathers say, “there’s a new dream ahead of us, that dream is America.” Before the nick picking, name-calling and political correctness took over, a peaceful and free place America set out to be. It would be a place free from prosecution, free from tyranny and political corruption that brought the Eternal City to its knees.
Over the next issue or two I want to share with you my reasons for this “mini- series”. I want to bring to light the fact that the American Civil Liberties Union is not only dangerous but also lacking moral values that will one day come back to haunt us.
Some of you may disagree with me; some of you may hate me. But if you guys and gals do nothing else, I wish only for your respect. I ask for respect because I come to you not as a Conservative or Liberal, but as a fellow American who is tired of this nonsense. Many people today wouldn’t even broach this subject let alone write an article or two about it. But I’m a columnist, it’s my job to ruffle some feathers and buck some trends.
Although I’m no political genius, or the lawyerish type, I can still read the fine print. I don’t believe things done in darkness will stay that way forever. If anything, freedom of the press is a wonderful way to shed light on certain matters.
Some of you may have been led astray regarding the A.C.L.U and its origins. It proclaims to be a guardian that will shield America from all sorts of harm and negativity. Their website endorses the American flag as its background but I believe their agenda is a little more sinister, a little more frightening. They portray freedom and patriotism, but in the deep, dark secret places, terror stalks to take our God-given freedoms away one by one. That really doesn’t surprise me. I say that because the A.C.L.U was founded by a man named Roger Baldwin who admitted to being an agnostic socialist. His grandfather was a non-conformist, anti-Christian crusader. His aunt Ruth was part of the socialist party and rejected the idea of Christianity as a whole and mocked its followers. I bet most of you didn’t know that the A.C.L.U had prominent communist party members in their ranks like Robert. W. Dunn who actually made two trips to the Soviet Union to help out communists!
Communists? What ever happened to the Land of the free and home of the brave? Why in earth would this man Roger Baldwin have communists in his organization? I think his true agenda was to rid Americas right to think and live for themselves and their families. I think their real goal is to secularize this country until we forget what is right, what is wrong and everything in between. They glorify the killing of innocent babies and turn their heads when it comes to child pornography. Don’t even bother bringing up Christmas because we all know how sensitive they are about that word. These are just some of things I would like to bring to the table over the next few issues. These are just some of the strange going-ons over at the A.C.L.U.
For the faint of heart, please turn the page because you’re apt to become in the know.