Election time always brings out the statements from politician that leave us all questioning who we are voting into office. Representative Todd Akin (R-MO) recently found himself in deep waters by commenting on the heated debate about abortion rights. When he defined rape into two categories of legitimate and illegitimate, he more than embarrassed the Republican party.
As the election gets closer, it’s hard to separate what was said by an unknown politician from his party. It’s hard to ignore the fact that though all Republican candidates running currently have tried to distance themselves from Akin’s comments, all have supported a major resolution in congress that would limit women’s rights.
Take Mitt Romney’s running mate, Paul Ryan. As a congressman, he supported The Sanctity of Human Life Act, which would ban all abortions, even in the case of rape. Romney, however, doesn’t believe in banning abortions in the case of rape, and Ryan quickly took this stance as well. Romney, along with the GOP, tried his best to distance himself from Akin’s statements, but amid all the drama behind the words rape, abortion and male politicians dealing with female health issues, there seems to be a mass confusion on the main issues.
Rather than blame Akin for being insensitive and very misinformed when it comes to being pregnant, one should focus more on the issues that are much more predominant and might have a possible “solution”. Instead of focusing on distracting comments from politicians, we need to remember the main issues globally. It’s time to remember about the real headlines, such as the thousands of civilians dying in Syria. Even with mishaps such as Akin’s comments, these stunts of stupidity and politically incorrectness shouldn’t take away from the main issues of this years election.
-The Editors