The Undergraduate Student Government Supreme Court convicted President Romual Jean-Baptiste of ‘wrongful acts of substance’ and removed him unanimously from office on Monday night. The trial was held about a month after the impeachment of both Jean-Baptiste and Michael Cohan, who attempted to fraud election posters making political opponent Joseph Antonelli appear as a racist and misogynist.
Michael Cohan resigned from office hours before the trial took place. In addition, Robert Romano has resigned as President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
There have been charges filed against Michael Cohan and Romual Jean-Baptiste by Joseph Antonelli to the Non-Academic Judiciary and a hearing will take place Friday night. The judiciary is headed by Gary Mis, and has the power to expel both Jean-Baptiste and Cohan as undergraduate students. Robert Romano has stated that all of the proceedings and findings of the judiciary are confidential.
According to Nathan Shapiro, impeachment manager, Jean-Baptiste testified in court that he was guilty of the specific crime.
Jean-Baptiste, when asked about why he didn’t resign, stated, ‘everyone has a right to defend themselves.’
Amy Wisnoski has now accepted the position of acting President of the Undergraduate Student Government and will remain President for the remainder of the semester. President-elect Joseph Antonelli will take over shortly after graduation. Senator Shapiro has been appointed Executive Vice President.
There have been very few in the USG coming to the defense of either Jean-Baptiste or Cohan. Most Senators have stressed the coming of a new Executive Council this fall and a fresh start for USG.