You don’t need extra time or effort to do good deeds. Try this: Powered by Yahoo!, with over 34,000 charities to choose from, it is a search engine that donates half of its revenues to charities designated by its users. Before users type items to search, they can select charities that they would like to fund.
Launched in 2005, by siblings Ken Ramburg and JJ Ramburg, the purpose was to use some of the $6 billion in revenue generated by search engine advertisers for a good cause. Therefore, the more GoodSearch is used, the more money can be generated to fund research for cancer, to protect the environment, or simply to brighten someone’s day.
GoodSearch is just one of many ways to make a difference. Make a Child Smile (, provides emotional and financial support for children who suffer from chronic or life-threatening illnesses, like Leukemia. Volunteers assist this organization by donating money or by sending cards to sick children and their families. If you wish to send a card, visit the website, where children’s profiles and addresses are posted.
Chemo Angels (, is made up of volunteers who sponsor a patient while they undergo chemotherapy. The volunteers send cards and small gifts to their patients. The organization stresses a large commitment to the patient because the volunteer’s support and unwavering friendship, tremendously eases the daily difficulties of the patient’s experience. Dress for Success, (, provides disadvantaged women with professional attire and support to achieve economic independence. This organization provides women not only the foundation to find a job, but the ability to sustain it as well. To contribute to this organization many people donate suits, corporate apparel, footwear, and accessories.
GoodSearch has raised $48.43 for Make A Child Smile, $91.63 for Dress for Success, and $559.58 for Chemo Angels. Save