It was good to read that the USG Senate went to bat against the Draconian punishment meted out to the Rugby Team, but I was disappointed to read they also ‘condemned the actions of those involved in providing alcohol to underage persons.’
Really? Does this mean that none of the USG Senators drink/drank as ‘underage persons’ and that they don’t know anyone who does or attend functions at which ‘underage persons’ drink? Adding this to the resolution gives the appearance that the USG Senate considers the law to be a fair and just one. Is this representative of the sentiment of the students the Senators supposedly represent? It seems to me that the Senate missed a golden opportunity to officially condemn the unfairness and hypocrisy of the drinking age laws and call for their modification.
Until there’s a nationwide, visible movement to lower the drinking age, incidents like the one involving the Rugby Team will keep happening. And there’s no better time than now, that many of our fellow citizens who are ‘underage’ to drink are not considered ‘underage’ to kill, die and be maimed physically and psychically in the obscenity of the US occupation of Iraq. All it takes is for someone to introduce a formal call for the laws to be changed and it could spread and the politicians might have to take notice.
In case you don’t know, a lot of ‘adults’ also think the laws are idiotic and unjust.
Chris Sorochin Class of ’83 (We drank like fish, and that includes the present-day administrators, politicians and cops who make and enforce these laws). ‘