College students have a tendency to be broke. If Mommy and Daddy aren’t laying out for the new car, chances are you need a loan. There are a few reputable companies that give car loans to people with no credit or bad credit.
Auto Purchase Loans is one such company. You’ll still be considered even if you have a previous bankruptcy or foreclosure. Loan rates start at 3.9% for those with good credit.
National Car Financing specializes in no credit loans. It is an online company that can be found at
Another company that specializes in student car loans can be found at You can get a free quote from them, which you can use to compare with other loan rates.
If possible, your parent’s credit union is the best way to get a loan. If your parents can co-sign a loan or take a loan out for you, which would be your best bet. They have credit and you don’t, which gives them the advantage. However, relying on parents is not an option for every college student.
If this is your first car and you’re going it alone, just remember to stay calm. You are probably going to get gypped and be angry about it. Just learn from your mistakes.