Police Blotter for Mar. 14-16
Floor Buffer Stolen
Around 8:00 AM on the morning of Mar. 14, petit larceny occurred when a floor buffer was stolen from the Health Sciences Center.
Car Crash
At 10:30AM on Mar. 14 a motor vehicle accident occurred around the University Hospital near the valet parking service.
Credit Cards
Grand Larceny occurred around 1:30 PM when credit cards were stolen in the Social and Behavioral Sciences building.’ The credit cards were never retrieved.
A fire occurred in the Grad Chemistry Building around 2:30PM on Mar. 14. Setauket Police were notified and the situation was corrected.
Unauthorized Use
10 People were found using the South Parking Lot soccer fields around 5:10 PM. All of the people complied with police and left the premises.
Refusing to Leave
A crisis occurred in the North Side Reading Room of the Melville Library around 7:30 PM. The student refused to show identification and also refused to leave. The situation was corrected.
Threat In the Keller South Parking Lot
A person was threatening others with a knife at around 12:00 AM. No one was hurt from this event.
Around 1:0 PM on Mar. 15 a suspicious person was found trespassing Wagner College in Roosevelt Quad. Upon police arrival the suspicious person was gone.