On March 6, at 11:09 AM an accidental fire occurred in the Life Sciences building. The alarm was activated due to steam and the Setauket Fire Department was notified. An accidental fire occurred in Chapin building I, room 1125 at 2:54 PM on March 7. The Setauket Fire Dept. was notified. The unit responded and it was found that the fire was cooking-related.
Grand and Petit Larceny
A grand larceny occurred in Dreiser College as a wallet with contents was stolen at 4:03 PM on March 6. Another larceny occurred in Benedict College as a laptop computer was stolen at 6:17 PM the same day. A petit larceny occurred the next day at the Sports Complex when five rackets and a basketball were stolen from the front desk at 5:12 PM. On March 8, at 6:43 PM a petit larceny occurred as a CD player, 2 CD’s and a cell phone were stolen at the Patient Pick Up Valet Booth.
Suspicious Vehicle
On March 7, at 4:06 PM a suspicious vehicle was observed at the Main Gate in the University Hospital Garage. The vehicle, licensed to NY state, was observed entering exiting multiple lots and garages.
Medical Emergency
A medical emergency occurred on March 8 at 12:25 AM at the Long Island State Veterans Home’s Unit 1A. A 73-year-old from Rm. 123 had difficulty in breathing. The Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps was not notified.
Loud Parties
On March 9, at 11:51 PM a loud party was broken up in Hendrix College of Roth Quad. The situation was corrected and three students were referred. At 5:54 PM, the same day, a noise complaint was made at West Apartments building H Noise Comp. Upon inspection, a loud party was broken up and the situation was corrected.