Hello Senator Shapiro,
Thank you for your letter, and I agree with you wholeheartedly.’ Our coverage of USG is primarily based on the weekly Senate meetings.’ I did have the chance to attend one of the 3 scheduled budget workshops and did see members of the Budget Committee putting in the time to actually serve the student body, educating members of other clubs and organizations about the yearly budget process.
I am sorry to say that our coverage of USG has largely focused on these senate meetings, where, as you have mentioned, much of the time is invariably devoted to the correction/improvement of internal USG matters.
However, I hope you understand that as members of the student body, and as members of campus media, we do hold the USG Senators, Executive Council Members, and Judiciary to a higher standard. We feel it is only fair that the student leaders of our USG are put under greater scrutiny than would be expected from any other club or organization.
While the Senate has cited past ‘victories’ in legislation as the PASS and ALIRRT Acts, and while current news of the impeaching of Executive Council Vice President Ralph Thomas shows that the Senators are providing the necessary check on power against the executive branch of USG, the bringing of charges against any student leader in USG shows that improvements have to be made.
USG elections still face low voter turnout and an overall lack of student interest.’ At the Statesman, we hope that more acts such as PASS and ALIRRT will be set in place to show the student body that the USG Senate and entire governing body of the USG is truly giving its best to the campus.
Once again, thank you for your letter.
Suraj Rambhia