Dec. 9 – Dec. 12
Fires and Fireworks
On Dec. 9, a criminal misdemeanor occurred in Baruch College at when an unknown subject lit fireworks inside the building at 1:36 AM. A small fire occurred on the same day at 6:28 AM in Long Island State Veterans Home at the level 1 load dock dryers. The Fire Dept. responded after being notified. All Fire Marshalls were activated and responded. There was damage to the dryers. At 8:45 PM, a fireman was injured while helping retrieve a Center for Personalized Education for Physicians patient. The incident occurred in the University Hospital Emergency Room’s P Lot.
Smashed Windows
On Dec. 9, a criminal misdemeanor occured when a window was smashed in the Fannie Bryce P lot at 12:36 PM. On Dec. 11, the same event recurred when a window was damaged at 7:16 AM.
West F Larceny
On Dec. 9, a petit larceny occurred in West Apts. F Rm. 107E as a bicycle was stolen at 3:47 PM. On the same day, at 5:31 PM, a camera was stolen in Rm. 306E.
Hospital Cases
On Dec. 11, the Suffolk County Police Dept. took over a case of an acute ER patient in the University Hospital at 6:09 PM. The patient had contraband on himself. At 6:47 PM, a missing female patient went home. She said that she was coming back to the ER in an hour; if not the UH Staff had to notify the SCPD.
Dispute in Baruch
On Dec. 12, the University Police Dept. did a crisis intervention in a dispute between individuals in Baruch College’s Rm. 122. UPD escorted a male off the premises to the Long Island Rail Road.